Assessments Summary
The Assessments Summary Dashboard displays visualizations of district-level Screener and Diagnostic Assessment completions and performance. For each assessment visualization, select the donut chart to look at class and student level data. You can also select the bar charts in Submissions by Schools, Screener Performance, or Diagnostic Performance visualizations to display class and student level data.
In accordance with the intended use of Screener and Diagnostic Assessments, these visualizations report only on the first submission of a screener and diagnostic per program per student in the school year. To access data from subsequent submissions, you can use the Assessment Scores report to access all Screener data, or the Multi-Stage Diagnostic report to access all Diagnostic data..
Dashboard Charts
The following charts are available in the Assessments Summary dashboard:
Screener Assessments and Diagnostic Assessments: Review the total number of students who completed the screener and diagnostic assessments as well as the percentage of students who meet or exceed proficiency levels on the assessments.
Submissions by Schools: Review the number of students in each school who have been assigned each assessment and whether they have submitted it or not. Use the options at the top to filter for a specific assessment, and sort by Not Submitted or Submitted to see which schools have the highest or lowest number of students in each status.
Screener Performance by Grade: The visualization provides the students' performance on the screener assessment by grade, showing the percentage of students who are recommended to take the on-grade level diagnostic assessment as compared to the below-grade level diagnostic assessment.
Diagnostic Performance: Review students' average scale scores on the diagnostic assessments by grade. Results are also segmented by students who completed on-grade assessments as compared to below-grade assessments. Color represents the performance-band classification for the average scale score.
The length of the bar in relation to the Meets range (gray area) to determine if students' scores are below, within, or above the Meets range for the diagnostic assessment.